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Hey guys! With COVID-19 going on and me just having nothing better to do, I decided to put together a quick platform for you all to make use of your quarantine time. There is a ton of random cool stuff out there for you to learn and this way your boredom can be cured AND it'll be by doing something meaningful! Sometimes we need a break from Netflix, Youtube, Tiktok and Social Media, and focusing your mind on something new is a great way to do that. Enjoy!


- Irene


Latin word meaning care. It can be found in words like cure, curate, and curiosity.

Cura is a...

cure for your boredom.

curated hub of educational resources.

fuel for your curiosity.


Take cura of you and your mental health by learning something new.

Any suggestions?

Share what cool things you're doing, ask questions or give some feedback!

Thanks for submitting!

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